Booster Club Meeting
6:30 pm in Room #1905 (Mr. McCarty's Room)
6:30 pm in Room #1905 (Mr. McCarty's Room)
NO MEETING for the Chapter or Booster Club, HOWEVER, JOIN US at Chick-Fil-A on Northpark and 494 in front of Kroger.
Kingwood Park FFA Chapter will be hosting an Invitational CDE competition. Volunteer opportunities will be announced later.
Monday, 6:30pm "upper LGI"
KPARK FFA family it's not to late to be a member of the booster club, with Hurricane Harvey and our crazy schedule this past fall families were allowed extended time to pay membership dues.
KPARK FFA students have a great livestock show in Humble. The following are the results of the livestock show and who went to auction;
Many thanks go to Humble ISD and our CTE Director Dr. Morris and staff who were able to replace our barn tractor after flooding from Hurricane Harvey. Our barn facility flooded when the San Jacinto River came out of its bank placing our barns over 3/4 of a mile inside the flood waters. Thanks to New Caney ISD all livestock...
Callahan Real Estate Group - has joined KPark FFA Booster Club as a Silver Sponsor
Humble Livestock Show is Wednesday February 7-10th at the Humble Convention Center. (click on title for expanded information)